PRWeb - Beatrice Guzzi

Beatrice Guzzi’s newly released “I Walk by Faith, Not by Sight” contains the author’s inspiring memoir of unwavering faith in God despite losing her eyesight.

“I Walk by Faith, Not by Sight”: an uplifting book filled with the author’s moments of godly conviction and resilience during her trying times, especially in her blindness. “I Walk by Faith, Not by Sight” is the creation of published author Beatrice Guzzi.

Guzzi shares, “People ask me, ‘How did you do it having six children and raising them totally blind?’

“I always give them the same answer, ‘With the help of God.’ This is the gospel truth. I don’t know how I would have done it without his help. It was not easy, but I was determined to have children with or without sight.

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